Talks and Papers

Collection of published papers and presentations organized by working group sub-headings.



A Multi-Level Networked Improvement Community for Supporting STEM
Teaching and Learning. (2018-2020). UConn Foundation/McLeod Foundation funded project. Role: Principal Investigator. (Awarded February 1, 2018).

Yearly Reports

2018-2019 McLeod NIC Project & Fellowship Report

Multi-State Interim Assessment Working Group

Campbell, T., Hall, J., McLaren, P., Grieg, J., Elkins, S., & Duffy, J.  (in progress). Equitable 3-D Interim Assessments to Support the Dynamic Multi-Directional Flow of Data within Systems. 

Institute of Higher Education/Science Eduation Working Group

Connecticut Network of Science Educators and Presevice Teachers. (2015-2018). Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) Proposal submitted with PI Catherine Koehler from Southern Connecticut State University and Project Leadership Team Members David Moss-University of Connecticut, Bonnie Maur-Sacred Heart Univerity, Lucie Howell-Teach for America, Harry Rosvally-Danbury Schools. Role: Project Leadership Team Member-Lead Researcher.

Professional Learning Working Group

District Science Specialists Working Group

Mentor Science Teacher Working Group


Campbell, T., McKenna, T. J., Fazio, X., Hetherington-Coy, A., & Pierce, P. (in press). Negotiating Coherent Science Teacher Professional Learning Experiences across University and School Settings. Journal of Science Teacher Education. Pre-Press Version

Ross, D., Campbell, T., McKenna, T. J., Schilling, V., Rodriguez, L., & UConn Mentor Teacher Collaborative. (2018). Supporting Preservice Teachers with Task-Based Instruction. STEM Teaching Tools.

Schilling, V., McKenna, T. J., Campbell, T., & UConn Mentor Teacher Collaborative. (2017). Orienting Preservice Teachers to Students’ Ideas and Sensemaking. STEM Teaching Tools.

McKenna, T. J., Schilling, V., Campbell, T., & UConn Mentor Teacher Collaborative. (2017). How can mentor teachers and university educators support preservice science teachers? STEM Teaching Tools.


*Campbell, T., McKenna, T.J., & Fazio, X. Research Practice Partnerships and Design-Based Research: Supporting Coherent Pre-Service and In-Service Science Teacher Professional Learning. Presentation at the 2019 International Conference for the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE). Savannah, Georgia. Presentation

Campbell, T., Fazio, X., McKenna, T., Perkins, A., Schilling, V., Rodriguez, L. NGSS as a boundary object for constituting a novice science teacher, mentor science teacher, and university science education researcher community of practice. Presentation at the 2017 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National
Convention. Los Angeles, California. Presentation

Preservice Science Teacher Working Group